At 标签, our team is certified experts within their field. 我们的 搜索引擎优化专家 and Web Accessibility certifications demonstrate the strength of our ability to create the best websites for our clients. 我们的 LinkedIn 搜索引擎优化 Expert certification and W3C Web Accessibility certification signify the completion of their corresponding courses by our staff. 通过这些课程, our team has curated their advanced knowledge to create the most effective websites through elements such as video integration, 反向链接, 关键词的使用. It has also helped our team become pros when it comes to making sure the sites they create are accessible for all people.
自1908年以来, NASBA has served as a forum for the nation’s 55 State Boards of Accountancy, which administer the Uniform CPA Examination, 执照650张以上,000 Certified Public Accountants and regulate the practice of public accountancy in the United States. As an extension of NASBA’s core mission, the NASBA Center for the Public Trust (CPT) continues to provide a platform for corporate America, academia and the accounting profession to explore, promote and advance ethical behavior through business and leadership.
State boards of accountancy require the passing of an ethics examination or the completion of ethics courses prior to licensure. The CPT takes the next step in this process – the linking of the theoretical to practical. Business ethics should consist of more than testing on the code of ethics, but should enhance business practices.
International standards for web accessibility from the W3C – including:
W3C's vision for "One Web" brings together thousands of dedicated technologists representing Member organizations and industry sectors. W3C is jointly hosted by the MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (MIT CSAIL) in the United States, the European Research Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics (ERCIM) headquartered in France, Keio University in Japan and Beihang University in China.
Through Google Ads Search Certification, 标签 has the ability to:
我们的 team of strategists are trained to set-up data collection through Google Analytics to assess website traffic trends, user behavior and conversion rates. They use this information to make recommendations for content and digital marketing strategies, ensuring each business or organization gets the most out of their budget.
Google Analytics for Beginners
标签 strategists have solid foundations and knowledge to implement tracking code on websites, analyze traffic and create reports, set goals and track campaign performances. They do this by building an understanding for each business or organization we work with to understand what truly matters and what success will look like.
我们的 strategists have a wealth of knowledge when it comes to marketing your brand in the digital realm. Through this 40-hour certification, strategists are trained on a massive range of strategies and implementations, including (but definitely not limited to): search ads, 搜索引擎优化, 关键字, 社交媒体, 电子邮件bet365体育和分析.